Myanmar Ethnic Rohingyas Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM) president Zafar Ahmad Adbul Ghani said the Rohingya minority group hoped that Suu Kyi would be able to help them be recognized as Myanmar citizens and to enjoy the same rights and privileges as the other races.
"For years we have been denied our rights as Myanmar people by the military junta, whereby we don't have the same opportunities and rights as others in the country, he told Bernama when contacted on Monday.
Welcoming the release of Suu Kyi, Zafar Ahmad was confident she would be able to fight for the rights of the Rohingyas based on her strong influence and leadership skills.
"Suu Kyi is a leader, who fights for the people and her struggle is not for any one race. So going by that, we are confident that we have chose the right person to help us", he said.
Aung San Suu Kyi, 65, was released last Saturday after being put under seven years of house arrest by the Myanmar military junta.
The Rohingyas, the Muslim ethnic group, from the North of Myanmar, started to receive shelter from foreign countries following political and social unrest in their territory of Arakan.
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