Friday, 29 October 2010

The Burmese Internet on the Eve of Election

"Burma tops CPJ's "10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger." With the scheduled general election in the country approaching, there have been reports of growing interference with both local and exiled journalists. As Burma enters the final stretch of the campaign, CPJ's senior South East Asia representative, Shawn Crispin, gave me a brief summary of the online situation."

And it seems in this, control of the internet too, Thailand is in esteemed company though they failed to make the top ten. Better luck next time Thailand.

Response's internet connection seems as though it's suffering the junta's icy grip as well, even though we're far away and it's impossible. Apologies if some of this message becomes lost or double posted or something, or if i can't attach the great photo that accompanies the article.

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